The Purdue Engineering Student Council is proud to announce the Middle School MINDS (Mastering Ideas Necessary for Developing Students) event.

Date: TBD in Spring 2024

Location: TBD

This program is designed to encourage middle school aged students to pursue a career in science and engineering disciplines through fun, hands-on activities guided by engineering students. Parents are welcome at the event as well.

This program is FREE OF CHARGE and all participants will receive lunch. PESC requires that students provide their own transportation to and from the event, whether at the partnering school or at Purdue University for the spring MINDS event.

Contact: Cody Andis (andisc@purdue.edu) with any further questions or concerns

Read a review from a parent, Robyn Smith, who saw the event first hand and loved it!


That’s my best description of PESC’s MIND event for students. Of all the experiences we’ve participated in, this rates #1!

MIND is impressively organized (run by engineering students – go figure! 😉) and filled with just the right balance of education and fun. The students are challenged and encouraged as they learn from four workshops, each highlighting a different engineering discipline. It was fun to see the children progress from a little shy and uncertain to confident and excited. Watching their faces light up as they accomplished each task was delightful!

Years ago, my older children participated and enjoyed the event. As my youngest became old enough, we saw the MIND ad and signed up right away. We were uncertain if the program would still be as good after several years, but it was worth a try. We were not disappointed!

The workshops offered clear direction yet allowed for creativity. This year, the projects included designing a small race car from paper, straws, aluminum foil and Lifesavers ® wheels; creating an electromagnet spinner; coming up with “medicine” coating; and creating a letter with Legos® and directions others had to follow to recreate it (harder than you think!).

Besides the projects themselves, the children were also delighted by the student helpers. Though each had a different personality, all had the ability to make the attendees feel comfortable. Watching the guides help the young ones overcome their initial shyness was charming. (These volunteers give college students a great reputation!) Some of the leaders worked quietly beside a hesitant student, others joked with the children and brought out more than a little confidence! (What kid wouldn’t be thrilled with the personal attention of a college student relating to them like a buddy?)

Having one of the more shy and hesitant students at the event (okay, let’s be honest – he did NOT want to go in the first place), I was especially blessed by the patience and gentle nature of my son’s leader. He really helped him and his partner (even more shy!) feel comfortable. Halfway through the program, my son told me he was glad he came and was enjoying it. (He also enjoyed the free pizza they served for lunch. 😉) In his own words:

“It was good. The projects were educational but also fun. I learned that giving directions to someone else is hard, so that’s something I can work on. The leaders were chill. I’d like to go again.”

It’s so refreshing to engage in such a well-organized, thoughtful program, especially with such terrific young people being a positive influence on the kids. The consistent excellence of the event after all these years is equally remarkable.

And how do I know all this? One of my favorite features is they allow parents to stay and watch, if we want to. As a home educator, my attending allows me to reinforce what my son learns there in our own studies. (Plus, I learn as much as he does! 😊)

Thankfully, my son still qualifies for MIND next year, and we will attend again. Despite the overall consistency, there will be one significant change – this time he’ll be eager to go!