Industrial Roundtable

Company Information

The contents of this page are directed towards companies attending our fair. Student information is available here.

Company registration is CLOSED.

To stay up to date with the latest Industrial Roundtable information as it becomes available,

please email to be added to our mailing list.

How are you attending our fair?

Use the buttons below to find information relevant to your company’s attendance style

Frequently Asked Questions

Email for questions, inquiries, or concerns

    • In-Person: September 10th - 11th, 9am - 4pm

    • Virtual: September 12th, 10am - 4pm

  • Yes! You are able to register for both forms of attendance or pick one that works best.

  • Memorial Mall at Purdue University (Memorial Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907)

  • Please check back for updates regarding hotels and accommodations.

  • Yes, a maximum of 6 reps are allowed per table. A second table will be added to your invoice if this requirement is not met during your registration.

  • Yes! Company packages may be sent during a predetermined period of time prior to the fair. Please check the information packet emailed previously for those dates. Please note that if your company does not send packages during the window, you will be responsible for bringing any displays or extra materials.

  • The money you pay for the scholarship package goes directly back to the Purdue engineering student community in the form of financial aid. You, as the company, receive priority advertising both on fair day, in the CF+ app, on t-shirts, and can potentially get free representatives.

  • Once the fair registration closes on August 15th, links from CF+ will be sent to your email which you can then access to add your schedule for each day. Depending on the day you sign up, it will modify the appointment to be either in-person or virtual.